National Youth Day June 16th 2016 – to commemorate the Soweto Uprising of 1976 our team of volunteers helped out at a local sports day organized by the local Police force and community dignitaries. The kids played netball, soccer and rugby whilst our team cheered, refereed and provided entertainment on the sidelines. A special day of solidarity and togetherness for all concerned.


hyena pasting

DID YOU KNOW – a hyena has a communication tactic that is known as “pasting” from its anal gland over tall grass stems. A white sticky substance is left on the grass advertising their presence and territory boundaries


APU Bush hideout

Anti Poaching Bush Hideouts – our team had the opportunity to help build some secret bush hideouts for our APU team this month. These hideouts are dotted all over the reserve and offer a safe haven in key areas to watch over our precious rhinos.


Lion cubs

The northern pride cubs – there have been plenty more sightings of the northern pride lion cubs this month. All three are females and they all have different personalities. One is definitely the most confident, one is always last and the one in the middle spends her time chasing the leader! Very special for the volunteers to see these beautiful young cats.