Shamwari Under Water

It has been another fun filled month here at the Shamwari Conservation Experience. The month on October was Heritage month in South Africa and to celebrate this we invited a group of local kids from our local community to spend the day with us. We fetched them in our vehicles and were treated with African songs all the way from. . .

Shamwari Conservation Experience – Update

Spring is here and because of such a wet winter it is a very welcoming to see the arrival of all the wild flowers. Even the animal seem. . .

Pumba Game Reserve – Update

It’s a cool early morning and the wind is blowing strong while the three white lions are all rolling around in elephant dung. Sounds like strange behaviour, but. . .

Baby Giraffe at Shamwari Conservation Experience

Look what we found this week, a new born giraffe calf with its umbilical cord still attached! The giraffe’s gestation period is approximately 15 months (453 – 464. . .