Big Cat Management at Shamwari

Big cats play an important role on privately owned game reserves such as Shamwari.  They control antelope numbers and attract cat lovers from all over the world, who want to view them in their natural habitat.  While outsiders only see the beautiful carefree side of these cats, a lot more hands-on management goes on behind the scenes.  Keeping big cats. . .

Myerscough College at Shamwari Game Reserve

It’s not often one encounters a group of young people so amped for conservation from start to end. We recently had the pleasure of hosting Myerscough College at. . .

Kariega Conservation Volunteer Program – July 2013

Let’s start off with the most important thing that happened this month: the follow-up procedure of our dear rhino, Thandi. Thandi was part of a ground-breaking operation performed. . .

One of a Kind Veterinary Work Experience at Shamwari

There are millions of people who love animals, but very few who have a real passion for caring and studying them. If you are considering a career that. . .