There are millions of people who love animals, but very few who have a real passion for caring and studying them. If you are considering a career that involves working with animals, Africa is an amazing place to gain some useful veterinary work experience. The Shamwari Game Reserve is located in the southern part of the continent and has been working with volunteers for years to spread the word about animal conservation. In this beautiful place, volunteers have the opportunity to visit gorgeous beaches and other attractions, but most importantly they gain Veterinary work experience from some of the most knowledgeable experts in the field.

The course that is offered at Shamwari is designed for students who are looking to further their education at a vet school, which is no easy task. While working in Africa, students will be able to add new skills and references to their CV that will impress any vet school. In this course you will not only gain theoretical knowledge but there is the chance for direct contact work with the animals.

Over this twelve day course, students will learn so much about various aspects of wildlife in Africa that will be really useful in future veterinary work. Experience like this doesn’t come around often, so make the most of it. Shamwari does some incredible work with immobilisation techniques used on their wildlife. A team is always on the move to immobilise white rhinos for ear notching or for DNA collection for research for example.

For those of you who are a little intimidated by the “African lifestyle” don’t worry, the facilities are very comfortable and right next to the reserve. You could be relaxing in the student centre and see zebra, buffaloes or kudu at any time. The twin rooms have en-suites and there is also a swimming pool, fridge and canteen for students. The facilities even have internet and TV.

Gaining veterinary work experience on the Shamwari Game Reserve will not only look amazing on a CV, but will also give you a new perspective on animal conservation. To work with these animals directly is a truly humbling experience that everyone should have.