Kariega Conservation Experience – Update

January and February 2013 can be recorded in the history books as the most adventurous, crazy and amazing two months in the life of a Kariega conservation volunteer (well that’s my opinion for somebody that’s been here for 2 days longer than the first 2013 volunteers). It started off with the elephant herd visiting our house 20 minutes after I. . .

Shamwari Predator Tracking

Look at what we found this week while out predator monitoring! Our southern male lion, two lionesses and their 8 cubs on a warthog kill. The big guy. . .

Brown Hyena Den Site

After recharging our camera traps we set off to plant one of them at the hyena den site. I was a bit sceptical as the previous attempt did. . .

Revamping the Caracal Enclosures at Shamwari

This week the conservation work experience volunteers decided to upgrade the caracal enclosure and make it a little bit more exciting. We planted an old tree stump in. . .

Canine Anti-Poaching Team at HESC

In an effort to combat poaching, Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre (HESC), together with their sister property, Camp Jabulani situated on the Kapama Reserve, have been using dogs as part of their. . .