Buffalo capture and testing – Shamwari Conservation Experience

The last two weeks have been fully dedicated to buffalo capture. Winter is on our door step and that means game sales! Shamwari is a privately owned Game Reserve and to keep the reserve running we rely on both tourism and the sale of game. Buffalos have to be captured long in advance because they have to be tested for. . .

Kariega Conservation Experience – Update

Living in the African bush is definitely something you can’t compare to anything on earth. The experiences, wildlife encounters and breath-taking views are things that one can never. . .

Kariega Conservation Experience – Update

January and February 2013 can be recorded in the history books as the most adventurous, crazy and amazing two months in the life of a Kariega conservation volunteer. . .

Shamwari Predator Tracking

Look at what we found this week while out predator monitoring! Our southern male lion, two lionesses and their 8 cubs on a warthog kill. The big guy. . .

Brown Hyena Den Site

After recharging our camera traps we set off to plant one of them at the hyena den site. I was a bit sceptical as the previous attempt did. . .