Leopard Conservation at HESC

On the 17th of July 2012, Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre’s animal curator, Christo Schreiber, was contacted by the Leopard Conservation Project (LCP). They were bringing yet another leopard to the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre. The LCP and Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre have been working together for some time now to keep our magnificent leopards safe and healthy. This specific leopard. . .

Hoedspruit’s Cheetah Whisperer

Many people around the world speak of a woman in Hoedspruit who communicates with cheetahs…but this is no old wive’s tale… Whether fact or fiction, we at Hoedspruit. . .

Pumba Game Reserve – Sighting Update 10/08/12

The reserve is very wet these days with a lot of rainfall experienced in the last week. It is rather cold due to the weather and the animals. . .

Pumba Game Reserve – Sighting Update

It has been a cold and rainy week on the reserve, causing most animals to be rather shy and illusive trying to find a nice sheltered place to. . .