Pre Vets: 6 Months on

‘It has been 6 months since our Pre vet students had a life changing 2 weeks in South Africa carrying out veterinary work on Shamwari Game reserve with both myself, a UK mixed practice vet and Dr. Johan Joubert a highly respected wildlife vet. With so many more students applying to vet school than there are places available it is. . .

Our Projects in-depth: Rugby Coaching in Ghana

It takes a special kind of person to coach sports. You need passion, an understanding of what motivates people, and the patience to develop the talents of those. . .

5 Reasons to Take a Wildlife Conservation Trip

A wildlife conservation trip is a great way to combine a very worthwhile cause with some life changing adventure. Working with animals overseas is not only for the. . .

Our projects in-depth: Game Ranger Training

Our projects in-depth: Game Ranger Training In ‘projects in depth’ we take a closer look at the different projects on offer through Gap Africa Projects. Last time we. . .