SGS College Diary: Week One

SGS College recently returned from their trip to the incredible Shamwari Conservation Experience, below is the diary entry from their first week – keep an eye out for part two next week! Tuesday 26th May Dan & Jacob After our briefing of the area we loaded up the trucks and headed off on our adventure, tracking any animals we could find.. . .

Save the Rhino: Angie’s Story

3rd March 2012 At Kariega game reserve three Rhinos were poached for their horn. Bull 84 died that night due to his injuries but two survived the initial poaching.. . .

Jordan’s Diary – Vet Eco Experience: Week Two

Jordan has just completed her two week Vet Eco Experience and the following is her account of her final week in Africa – make sure you keep an. . .

Jordan’s Diary – Vet Eco Experience: Week One

Jordan is currently on her two week Vet Eco Experience and the following is her account of her first week in Africa – make sure you keep an. . .

Amber’s Diary – Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre

Amber recently returned from three weeks at the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre (HESC), a project she picked to test her dedication to animals and discover whether studying zoology. . .