Pumba Game Reserve – Sighting Update 10/08/12

The reserve is very wet these days with a lot of rainfall experienced in the last week. It is rather cold due to the weather and the animals are playing hide and seek trying to avoid the cold rainy weather as much as possible. A rather surprising change however is the three cheetah brothers are being seen more and more. . .

Pumba Game Reserve – Sighting Update

It has been a cold and rainy week on the reserve, causing most animals to be rather shy and illusive trying to find a nice sheltered place to. . .

Mike Horn Pangaea Young Explorers visit SCE

Shamwari Conservation Experience had the great privilege of hosting the Mike Horn Pangaea Young Explorers from all over the world this past weekend. The 30 young explorers were. . .

Pumba Game Reserve – Sightings Update

As the sun disappears in the west it quiets down on the reserve and the transition from day time into night time is very prominent with the change. . .

HESC and Kapama Anti Poaching Initiatives

Poaching is the illegal taking of wild plants or animals, in contravention of local and international wildlife management laws, as well as against conservation. It is therefore the. . .