Ten Animals You Can See On Your Gap Year In Africa

There is no charm like the African charm. Africa is well known all over the world for its diverse flora and fauna. Rich in natural beauty, the continent is favoured globally by those looking for an ideal place to spend a gap year. This trend is particularly relevant to anyone in need of veterinary work experience for career or academic. . .

Five Gap Year Options for Animal Lovers

Ask anyone who has taken a gap year in Africa and they’ll tell you that it was one of the most rewarding experiences of their life. Everyone knows. . .

Become a Sports Coach on Your Gap Year Abroad

A gap year is usually filled with fun and, hopefully, some practical learning experiences. If you are a big sports fan, perhaps netball coaching abroad in Ghana may. . .

3 Dream Ideas for Veterinary Work Experience

There are many reasons why people choose to be a vet. But perhaps at the core there lies a basic love and compassion for all creatures, great and. . .

Elephant Fertility Testing at Shamwari

It is common knowledge that elephant numbers across most of Africa are at an all time high. Elephants have no major natural predators to control their numbers, other. . .