Surrogate Mothers at HESC

A surrogate mother is an animal which takes on all or part of the role of a mother to another animal of a different kind. At Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre (HESC) we rely a lot on surrogate mothers. When Jabulani, from our sister property Camp Jabulani, was young he had a sheep as a surrogate mother. Elephants have strong family. . .

Kariega Conservation Experience – Update

Living in the African bush is definitely something you can’t compare to anything on earth. The experiences, wildlife encounters and breath-taking views are things that one can never. . .

Kariega Conservation Experience – Update

January and February 2013 can be recorded in the history books as the most adventurous, crazy and amazing two months in the life of a Kariega conservation volunteer. . .

Shamwari Predator Tracking

Look at what we found this week while out predator monitoring! Our southern male lion, two lionesses and their 8 cubs on a warthog kill. The big guy. . .