Do Pre Vet Courses Increase My Chances When Applying to University?

The UCAS deadlines are looming for those of you looking to apply to veterinary school, and many of you are no doubt looking over your personal statements wondering how to make it stronger. The competition for a place at vet school is fierce, with only a little more than a thousand places estimated to be available to applicants in 2015.. . .

Shamwari Game Reserve – Update September 2014

DID YOU KNOW – Warthog tusks are actually correctly called tushes. These are canine teeth that grow constantly. The upper ones curve out and up, becoming very large. . .

Abingdon Witney College – Diary – Day 3

Dear Diary, Waking up after an hours extra sleep was pretty nice, even if it was absolutely freezing again. After being given just enough time to warm up. . .

Abingdon Witney College – Diary – Day 2

Dear Diary, Well, what can I say about today, again it was amazing. We started the day out by going to do some ‘alien plant control’. On the. . .